(a) Relating to witness
While getting
the document attested by witness care should be taken in the selection of
witness and in recording their full names and address on the instrument itself.
In order to prove a document in the court of law, it is necessary that at least
one of the attesting witness is called to prove the deed.
Whenever full
name and address or not noted or strangers or less known persons are taken as
attesting witnesses it become a problem to recall as to who signed after a
lapse of time when the need to prove the document arises, besides when they are
to be summoned in a court of law to prove the document by means of their
deposition. Such strangers and unknown persons are neither co-operative nor
willing witness so as to readily come forward and take the botheration of
deposing and proving the document.
It is always
prudent to have the attestation of a document only by such person who are
either well acquainted or are relatives and friends and it is an act of
prudence to specify their full names and addresses at the time of the execution
of the document and its attestation by the witness.
(b) Availability of documents to each co-owner
In the case of
partition deed properties are allotted to several members of the joint Hindu
family by means of non instrument only and each of the co-owners or members of
a joint Hindu family who is allotted a share as a result of the partition, so affected
derives its title to the absolute ownership of the specified property. The
instrument of partition is required to be compulsorily registered under the
provisions of Indian registration Act and it is the registered document which
is required to be produced as an evidence and proof of partition or as a proof
of the absolute ownership of the specified property. The original registered
document is, there fore, of grate importance and at times is indispensable.
In the case of
any partition there has necessarily to be two or more persons to whom the
property is allotted by means of one instrument only, while the original
instrument can remain in the possession of one of the parties only and all the
remaining parties have to depend upon the party in whose custody the original
document remains.
In such cases a
duplicate certificates certified copy should be obtained from the registrar
office. Under the provision of Indian stamp act a counter part or a duplicate
of any instrument, chargeable with duty and in respect of which the proper duty
has been paid can be obtained by making the stamp paper of requisite value
available which is quite negligible in most of the states.
The counterpart
or the duplicate of the instrument can also be offered for registration, which
attract the same registration fee as payable on the original instrument and
each counterpart so registered carries the same weight and value as the
original instrument which is written on the full stamp value applicable for a
partition deed.
The deed
partition can as a matter of prudence be made out in as many counterparts. As
the members amongst whom the partition is to be effected and each co-owner or
member can thus be provided with a separate registered instrument which can
remain in their possession and is readily available to them for all possible
(c) How registration possible at a place where property not situated
Section 30 of
Indian registration Act empowers the registrar of the district by the persons
seeking permission, starting the reasons as to why the concerned document is
being offered for registration before him. One of the plausible reasons can be
that either all or most the parties to the document are residing where the
document is being offered for registration, while the property which is the
subject-matter of registration is situated outside.
There can be
many other reasons for which registration may be allowed. The discretion to
register the document vested with the registrar without any fetters and thus
very wide. The registrar is without any fetter and thus very wide. The
registrar is at liberty as well as under an obligation to register the document
for any reasonable cause or ground.
basic principle is that stamp duty payable is the one which applied to the
state where the document is executed. This provision can, there fore, be
fruitfully enjoyed in all such cases where the stamp duty payable in other
towns is lower as compared to the stamp duty payable at the actual place of
Precautions to be taken
(i) While
drafting a deed partition, all the members who are entitled to have a share in
the joint Hindu family property are to be made parties. Karta’s wife or the
widowed mother through not entitled to claim partition, are nevertheless
entitled to, a share when a partitions takes place between father and sons, the
wife of the karta is entitled to an equal share and like wise when a partition
takes place between brothers, the windowed mother becomes a necessary party to
the document.
(ii) When
partition is made by a father in the exercise of his paternal right and there
are minor son is to be represented through the natural guardian and the mother
guardian is to sign for and on behalf of the minor.
(iii) when the
partition takes place between brother and there are unmarried sisters, a
provision is necessarily required to be made for the maintenance and marriages
of the unmarried daughters and/ or sisters as the case may be.
(iv) A deed of
partition should give full recitals of the ownership of the property as well as
the content of the relevant documents which go to establish the ownership of
the property by the joint Hindu family.
(v)As earlier
mentioned, while choosing witnesses, the parties should choose such witness,
who is either close relative or friends so that they are readily available when
ever so required. Further it shall be an act of prudence that the witnesses
chosen are younger persons and not of old age, so that with the lapse of time
or at a time when witnesses are needed such persons are available to prove the
(vi)Whenever the
document is executed in a number of counterparts as it ought to be when there
are several persons who are allotted shares, the document should recite the
number of counter parts is handed over and also the names of the person to whom
the first counterpart is handed over and also the names of the persons to whom
the other counterparts are to be handed over.
(v). When ever
the parties are effecting a total partition, it should be so specified that all
assets and liabilities exiting or contingent, should be divided.
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